“Well, anime is what Japanese animation is called,” I say. All three of them are actually anime!” “How do you tell the difference?” she asks with a puzzled expression. “That they are all cartoons?” she says, taking the bait. “Do you know what’s similar between all three?” I ask.
“Hattori!” she exclaims as the TV provides her with a third option. “Did you know that the ‘chan’ added to Shin-chan’s is actually just a suffix used in Japanese?” She looks right through me and changes the channel. “Shin-chan or Doraemon? What should I watch?” I decide that this is a wonderful opportunity to educate her a bit. My sister faces a difficult decision, one that her six years of experience have not prepared her for. Anime superfan Riyaz Khan gives you a guided tour of his object of adoration What’s a Naruto? Or an Otaku? You hear these words from those weir Japanese animations that everyone is into.